Anthropologists in Security – Dialogues between Argentina and Brazil | 22.02.2021

Öffentliche Sicherheit ist ein Dauerthema in Lateinamerika, das oft als politische Waffe von Akteuren benutzt wird, die die fortschrittlichsten Diskussionen auf diesem Gebiet ignorieren und sich auf veraltete Managementmodelle verlassen. Es müsse aber eine Politik jenseits von einfachen Lösungen gesucht werden, die auf Autoritarismus und Repression als Zauberformeln angewiesen sei.

Datum: 22.02.2021

Uhrzeit: 20:00 Uhr

Veranstaltungstitel: Anthropologists in Security – Dialogues between Argentina and Brazil

Veranstaltungstyp: Sonstige

Veranstalterkategorie: Förderprojekt BMBF

Veranstalter: Maria Sibylla Merian Centre Conviviality-Inequality in Latin America - Mecila

Ort: Online, Live-Stream-Veranstaltung

Mehr zur Veranstaltung:

Public security is a persistent topic of debate in Latin America, often used as political currency by actors who ignore the most advanced discussions in the field and rely on failed and outdated management models. To formulate public security policies, one must look beyond easy solutions that depend on authoritarianism and repression as magic formulas.

How can the experience and the perspective of anthropology contribute to this debate? And how have Brazilian and Argentinian anthropologists used their knowledge to act in this field?

These questions will guide the discussion event "Anthropologists in Security: Dialogues between Argentina and Brazil". Besides discussing the main challenges of public security in these countries today, the guests will share their own experiences and the dilemmas they have faced in their management positions.

Guests: Susana Durão Professor of anthropology at the State University of Campinas (Unicamp) and Mecila Senior Fellow. She is responsible for revising Unicamp’s security policy and was coordinator of the international research project “Policing and Urban Imaginaries: New Security Formats in Southern Cities” (2015-2019).

Sabina Frederic Current Minister of National Security, Argentina. She has a doctoral degree in social anthropology and is a professor and academic researcher at the National University of Quilmes (UNQ) and CONICET Argentina.

Sabrina Calandrón Current Subsecretary of Rights, Welfare and Gender at the National Ministry of Security of Argentina. She holds a doctoral degree in social anthropology and is a professor as well as an academic researcher.

Gabriel Kessler (moderation) Professor at the UNLP and academic researcher at CONICET. He is a former Mecila Senior Fellow as well as author of El sentimiento de Inseguridad and co-author of Sociología del temor al delito, Individuación, precariedad y riesgo with Robert Castel.

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