„Horizont Europa - Politischer Hintergrund, Struktur, Neuerungen und Themen im Cluster 2“ | 10.12.2020

On December 10, 2020, the National Contact Point (NCP) Society will start its four-part event series on the new EU research framework program "Horizon Europe". Further dates are 18, 19 and 20.01.2021. On 10.12.2020, the NCP will provide information on the political background and will draw a red thread right up to the level of the work programs. Registration deadline for the 1st event: 08.12.2021.

Date: 10.12.2020

Time: 10 - 12:30 MEZ

Type: Information Event

Place: Online

Category: NKS Gesellschaft

Organisor: Nationale Kontaktstelle Gesellschaft

Mehr zur Veranstaltung:

On December 10, 2020, the National Contact Point (NCP) Society will start its four-part event series on the new EU research framework program "Horizon Europe". Further dates are 18, 19 and 20.01.2021. On 10.12.2020, the NCP will provide information on the political background and will draw a red thread right up to the level of the work programs.

Registration deadline for the 1st event: 08.12.2021.

What are the new developments in Horizont Europa and what opportunities for participation does the program offer for the social sciences and humanities?

In its four-part online event series, the NCP Society will first give an overview of the new framework program and on three further dates provide information about the first work program of Cluster 2 "Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society" and its thematic areas.

Link to Eventwebsite: https://www.nks-gesellschaft.de/de/save-the-dates-online-infoveranstaltungen-horizont-europa---neue-f-rderm-glichkeiten-f-r-sozial--und-geisteswissenschaften-.php